To be eligible for admission to the Pre-School, a child must have completed at least two and half years of age by 31 August. Admission to all other classes will be on merit, based on an assessment test. Students who are approved for admission will be duly notified. The decision of the School Admission Committee is final regarding the approval or denial of any application for admission or re-admission.
The School is affiliated to the CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (CBSE), New Delhi, and follows the curricular and assessment pattern prescribed by the CBSE. The medium of instruction is English for all the classes. Hindi and Tamil are taught as second and third languages respectively. A range of skills and activities conducive to harmonious and all-round development of the child’s body, mind and heart are implemented as a part of the School’s co-curriculum.
At the time of admission (within 2 days of counseling) parents must produce the following